Star of Excellence
Neonatal Transport Program
Critically ill neonate babies are often born in facilities which have access to the specialist care required. However, neonates born outside of a specialist setting require emergency transfer to such care. In October 2014, the Women’s hospital developed a multi-site transport program to facilitate the earlier transfer of neonates to specialized care services.

Rising Star
Implementation of NHI at Women’s Hospital
Seha, the Qatar National Health Insurance scheme was launched in July 2013, offering compulsory health insurance coverage. Women’s Hospital was the first hospital under the umbrella of HMC to launch the Seha scheme. The implementation team ensures that every eligible patient is identified, enrolled and has given consent. 

Award of Merit
HMCAS Integrating with the Ministry of Interior
In 2008, The HMC Ambulance Service communication centre was relocated to the National Command Center of the State of Qatar. This was the catalyst for integration between different emergency agencies such as Civil Defense and the Ambulance Service. The consolidation of communications operations through a common Computer Aided dispatch system has improved day-to-day operations as well as preparedness for major incidents.

Award of Merit
HMC Catering Team - Hospitality Department
The Catering Department produces over two million meals annually.  To optimize service delivery, the team implemented an internationally recognized methodology that resulted in ISO accreditation and certification in Food Safety Management System.