Star of Excellence
Powerchart Oncology Implementation at NCCCR
NCCCR is the first facility outside of the US, to use the Powerchart Oncology Cerner solution. The team developed and implemented 250 chemotherapy protocols for both solid tumors and hematology disorders.

Rising Star
Adult Ventilator Weaning Program
The primary goal of this project was to wean patients from using a ventilator – a machine that supports breathing. This project had the two-fold benefit of improving the patient’s quality of life and reducing bed pressure for patients in the ICU that were otherwise stable. 

Award of Merit
Children Beyond the Walls of the Hospital
Children on mechanical ventilators with multiple system disorders are the focus of the ‘Children beyond the Walls of the Hospital’ initiative. Its purpose was to change the model of care from hospital-based to community-based in order to improve family and child-centered outcomes.

Award of Merit
HMC Trauma System Accreditation
This initiative has been an eight-year journey culminating in accreditation by Accreditation Canada International (ACI) in 2014. To achieve this, HMC trauma system successfully demonstrated compliance with international trauma care standards through the collection and submission of data on numerous performance indicators.