​Star of Excellence
Pediatric Home Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
The Pediatric Home TPN Service is a family-centered, child-focused and trans-disciplinary service that was introduced at HMC to facilitate the discharge of children who rely on Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) due to intestinal failure. The service provides training to care givers to do the TPN connection and care at home. This provides a better quality of life for parents and children, enabling them to get back into a normal family environment and reducing the amount of times they need to visit the hospital. 
Rising Star
Pediatric Cardiac International Patient Program
The Pediatric Cardiac International Patient Program was created to enable children from war-torn or poverty stricken countries to receive desperately needed treatment that would otherwise not be available to them. Though the concerted effort of the team and internationally coordinated efforts, the program has performed 51 cardiac surgeries entirely funded by charitable organizations. 
Award of Merit
Hamad General Hospital Art and Healing Program
The Hamad General Hospital Art and Healing Program was developed for long term pediatric patients to promote the process of healing through art. Through the Art and Healing Program and partnerships with Disney Worldwide, Sports Entertainment Solutions and the Museum of Islamic Arts, the program has been able to help pediatric patients live a fuller and happier life during their stay in the hospital. 

HUG: Helping parents to embrace their newborns
The primary goal of this program was to empower parents in their new role by providing relevant information and coping strategies, as dealing with a premature child can be a very emotional experience.  Through this program, the team was able to enrich the infant-parent interaction and empower parents to be viable partners in promoting growth of their NICU infant.