​Stars of Excellence
HMC Wide Implementation of Bed Capacity Management

This project aims to have a single and standardized electronic system to support daily operational management between facilities by making capacity transparent to all key users. With Capacity Management, the Bed Manager can allocate the right bed to the right patient at the right time.

​Rising Star
Patient Discharge Improvement

This project was initiated to improve the discharge process in CDC.  The project aims to reduce the average discharge time, from 5 hours in May 2018 down to 2 hours by the end of May 2019 for all inpatients of CDC.

​Award of Merit
Moving Forward to get Success in Mental Health

This project was designed to increase workforce in OT department from having two therapists to twenty-one, and to expand OT services from inpatient to community settings. It has shed light on the journey of OT towards growth and success in Mental Health Services.

​Award of Merit
OPD Dashboard

The dashboard displays real-time information on the daily operations in OPD. The dashboard can generate reports from daily to monthly overviews of OPD services and clinic utilizations.