​Stars of Excellence
HHQI’s Capacity and Capability Building Programs

The capability and capacity operational goal in HHQI is one of its strategic priorities. HHQI provides a wide range of training and educational programs to embed quality improvement skills among our care providers for improvement and to build capability and capacity throughout system.

Rising Star
Excellence in Clinical Learning Environments: The Game Changer

The Internal Medicine Residency Program (IMRP) plays a central role to establish Excellence in Clinical Learning Environments by promoting transformative improvement in educational experience and patient care outcomes within the clinical learning environment.
​Award of Merit
Trauma Outreach Program

The Trauma Outreach Program is designed to bridge the gap between the Hamad level one Trauma Center and the Cuban and Al Khor hospitals. Trauma surgeons and critical care physicians ran the program from Hamad Trauma Center with the aim to establish a functional network between the Trauma Center and other hospitals.

​Award of Merit
Referrals Are Improving: Collaboration of HMC-PHCC

This project was specifically intended for the frontline family physicians and psychiatrists to build communication channels and create opportunities for learning and development. The project involves setting up psychiatry collaboration and educational meetings for family physicians.