We are committed to developing high quality and ambitious researchers in Qatar. MRC offers dedicated support to help maximize their chances of success by submitting high quality proposals.

We provide researchers with legal advice and assistance during contract negotiations, including drafting contracts. We give researchers support and financial guidance throughout their whole project life cycle. In order to deliver impactful research, MRC is planning to support researchers with more training programs and career development sessions.

MRC is actively encouraging researchers to undertake adequate training which can help them to increase the proficiency and effectiveness of researchers in key areas such as writing a research application, data visualization, or communicating with a wider audience.

In order to increase the capacity of the researchers, we offer financial support to our eligible researchers in HMC to participate in international research training programs. Additionally, we aim to conduct research methodology training programs to support and enhance the skills of researchers. This program will include all researchers across a mix of disciplines in HMC.